After lunch today, I decided to give C a piece of paper and a couple of crayons and see what he would do. I was really surprised, he picked right up on what he was supposed to do. I guess I've been under estimating him!
Crayons make good drum-sticks too!
Hmmm, I think blue tastes better than orange. Yes, he did try a bite or
two that Mommy had to fish out of his mouth.
The first of many masterpieces to be displayed on the fridge by the famous artist known as C!
I began this blog to chronicle our 3 1/2 year journey toward adoption and building a new house in the meantime!
We began this adoption believing our child was in Russia. We traveled to Russia and met a 13 month old girl named Viktoria. We waited 18 months for a court date to return to adopt her but learned July 23, 2007 that a Russian family adopted her instead while we were waiting. A year later, we were hugely surprised when we got a call that a baby boy was about to be born in the hospital 1.4 miles down the road from our new house and I was able to be in the delivery room when he was born July 29, 2008! If you are interested in reading the first part of our story, you can visit
Today this blog has become more about our everyday life as a regular everyday family. It took a while to get here, but boy am I glad we're all home now!
Make ahead Freezer Mashed Potatoes
Stock your freezer up with these easy and convenient make-ahead Freezer
Mashed Potatoes. There's nothing better than having homemade mashed
potatoes on han...
I’m extremely blessed to have had the relationship with my dad that I did.
He wasn’t just my father, he was one of my very best friends. I can recall
Snow days in Texas
Again I am trying to play catch up. I really do want to keep up with this
blog but it seems that I am busier than usual and have so much on my
plate. I w...
2016 - Hair Changes
Had an unfortunate incident with scissors that resulted in Flower's first
hair cut.
Tinkerbell loved it so much she asked to get hers cut too. This was th...
It has been a looooong time since I posted!
Well it has been too long since my last update. Life has been crazy busy
for us. I am in the final stretch of finishing my degree as a family nurse
There has been so much go on in the past year. Just in the past few
months, I came out of a major depression that lasted FOUR YEARS! Yes, I
said years- f...
I wish I MAY
In my continued effort to get caught my life and blog synced back up - here
is a quick recap of May's events. When we left off in April, my mom had
Trying to think of what to say....
In my head I have all sorts of great blog posts.....but in reality I rarely
put the pen to paper so to speak. So I figure as random as it is - here is
the ...